之前在雜誌見到Dior出了一款Christmas set很吸引,$495有1支50ml的香水、50ml的body lotion,還附送一個銀色化妝袋。今天行經旺角,特地到了朗豪坊的Dior counter看看~
Sales姐姐告訴我有兩款Christmas set,一款是$495銀色袋的,另一款是金色袋的$595,多了一支50ml的body wash,香水的味道亦比較持久。考慮了一會,決定買金色的那set~ 化妝袋可以用作Big Day當天的禮金袋,金色用來襯褂/晚裝都很match呀!
我都買左呢個christmas set, 真係好抵, 淨一支50ml既香水都要$550, 加多$45就多一支body wash, body lotion
回覆刪除Wakakaka.... 果然係個貴氣新娘啊.... ^^
回覆刪除SO PRETTY 搞到我都想BUY,
回覆刪除i have an idea about ur chocolate package in your wedding day. you can buy some white colour sticker/label , and print your wedding photo on the sticker and stick on the chocolate. and use the pastic bag to pick it. use the colourful steel to close the pastic bag. (just like you buy candy in some candy shop) the chocolate have your own logo and not cheap package. what do u think.. it's very cheap. the pastic bag just 0.1 each or less. because the bag just for 1 chocolate. no need too big at all. haha... i will try my best to help you.
回覆刪除真係幾抵喎, 但真的夠裝禮金嗎? 如果可以, 你最好都預備多一個小袋作後備, 要有手挽及拉鏈的 仲有, 你記住mark好晒果日有幾多袋, 每一袋入面有d乜, 咁你要揾邊袋, 就叫兄弟jm幫你攞, eg 袋a有褂鞋, 你一講佢都就會知係袋a攞, 果日好亂, 你一定要mark清楚有幾多袋野, 每袋有d乜!
hope u have wonderful and unforgettable wedding .
回覆刪除正呀, 吾錯吾錯
回覆刪除載利是就應該夠, 如果載埋晚宴人情.....可能 mun 小小喎.....